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Rolla and Dessie Steele Family

Back Row: Charlie Kinzie, Dorthy Steele, Wayne Peoples, Lucile Kinzie, John Steele, Ruby Peoples, Carl Steele, Lilah Steele, Charlie Kinzie Jr . . . Middle Row: Anna Steele, Dessie Steele, (baby Paul Steele), Rolla Steele, Marilyn Steele . . . Bottom Row: Roger Steele, Gary Steele, Arden Steele, Becky Steele, Janet Steele
Left to Right around Table: Wayne and Ruby Peoples, Charlie and Lucile Kinzie, Rolla Steele, Dorothy Steele, Lucile Kinzie, Lilah Steele, Carl Steele, John Steele

Dessie Tyner Steele